Jaos & Aeldina dinged level 70 tonight!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! They become my 7th & 8th characters to do so! That means I only have to get my Shaman to level 70 & I will have accomplished my ultimate goal of having a level 70 character for each class in WoW. With Jeamyr already level 57, I can really start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I want to thank my friend Jim for joining me on this run. It was great having his Hunter, Holtzy, & his Druid, Saif, join the group =) Here is a picture of Holtzy's flying machine that he made after reaching level 70!
Grats to Jaos & Aeldina on the dinging 70! Coldness and Radiant finally made it there on Thursday too!
Good luck on that 1 to go!
Thanks so much Coldness & grats on dinging 70!!!
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