Monday, March 31, 2008

Character Profile: Jaos & Aeldina at 70

With Jaos & Annariel finishing up most of the Shadowmoon Valley quests, I thought it was time to give my thoughts on the Warrior & Druid classes after playing them for 70 levels. I have to say that my perspective on Warrior changed drastically from level 50 to 70. The main reason for that is the fact that I changed specs from protection to fury. I never really liked being a protection warrior. It's a hard spec to level with & for some reason I find tanking as a Paladin much more fun. Switching to a dual wielding fury spec re-vitalized the class for me. I was just blown away by how much damage a warrior could do! Add to that the fact that a Warrior wears plate & you have a very powerful combo. Going up against multiple mobs was no problem at all. Your plate armor makes you very tough & the Bloodthirst skill gives you health back while you're doing damage. Finally, with Whirlwind & Sweeping Strikes, you can do substantial AOE damage.

Another cool thing about being Fury Warrior was how easy it was to find gear. Maybe it was easier for me since Jaos is an Armorsmith, but I had no problem finding blue gear at level 70 that was perfect for a Fury Warrior. The Ragesteel Armor set is awesome & all the pieces are BOE. Anyone can use them, but if you have a 350 Blacksmithing skill, you can get the set bonus, which provides a bonus to your hit rating. In addition, there are several quest rewards from Netherstorm & Shadowmoon Valley that are perfect for a dps Warrior. All in all, I found the fury warrior to be an exciting & rewarding class to play. I highly recommend it!

My perspective on the Druid class has not changed since I started playing Aeldina. I still think it is one of the most versatile & powerful classes in the game. With Druid, you can do it all. Tank, DPS (both melee & spell casting) & heal, the Druid can fill all the roles of a group. The only problem is that it can get very expensive since you need multiple sets of gear to be able to switch roles effectively. Another thing I found frustrating about gearing a Druid is that there are very few leather armor quest rewards for a Restoration Druid. I found Aeldina to be one of the hardest characters to gear. Many times I had to pick cloth rewards because they were better for healing. I didn't like doing this because it made Aeldina look silly. She really didn't look like what I felt a Druid should. Luckily, with the 2.4 patch came the new PVP set you can purchase from reputation vendors. This really helped out and I'm really happy with the way Aeldina looks right now =) In summary on Druid, I think it is one of the best classes to try out if you are a first time player. It allows you to try out multiple roles without having to create 4 different characters. It is also a class that is pretty easy to level & you have at least two different specs (feral & boomkin) that you can level with!

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