Well, Jaos & Aeldina turned level 67 over the weekend and are currently working in Blade's Edge Mountains. I had a major accomplishment in the game over the weekend as well. My friend Jim and I were able to complete the Ring of Blood quest chain in Nagrand for the first time! I finally decided to give 3 boxing a try and put my priest Annariel on a 3rd account. I switched her back to a shadow spec to provide additional dps & some support abilities for our group. Let me tell you, controlling 3 characters at the same time is extremely challenging! I was controlling 3 characters & Jim was controlling 2 characters, so we had a full group to give the Ring of Blood a try. I have to admit that I don't think we would've done it by ourselves. Luckily for us, there were two other groups doing the quest chain. So we all took turns doing each quest and helped each other out. It is when I have experiences like these with nice people that I think that being part of a good Guild wouldn't be such a bad thing =) If you ever get a chance to do the Ring of Blood, you must. If you aren't level 70, you get a ton of experience, about 60 gold & a fantastic blue item! If you are level 70, you earn over a 100 gold! Although challenging, a well balanced group of 5 in the 66-67 level range should have no problem doing this quest chain.
I was pretty disappointed with the level 66 Burning Crusade abilities for warrior and druid. First off, my warrior didn't even get a new ability! What's up with that? The druid skill was Lacerate, a feral ability. Since Aeldina is restoration specced now, she won't get much use out of it. It seems like Lacerate is similar to the warrior's Sunder Armor. It can only be used in Bear form, increases threat & can stack up to 5 times. Seems like a great tanking skill. Although I was disappointed with the level 66 skills, I'm not too upset since Aeldina will be getting flight form at level 68!!!!
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