Monday, August 6, 2007

Annariel starts her run to 70!

With Faerolin finally done with all the Shadowmoon Valley quests, I started to play Annariel, my level 53 priest, again. I decided to switch her to a shadow spec and play her solo...well sometimes she has Devarien's help as she is on my second I got her to level 55 over the weekend and here are my preliminary thoughts on playing as a shadow priest.

First off, a shadow priest is incredibly mana intensive! Even with points in the spirit tap and meditation talents, I found that I would have to rest for mana after every couple of kills. This is much different from my experience with Warlock, where I had little or no down time. It is also a little scary playing priest in that if you don't time your Power Word: Shield correctly, you can die very quick! However, it has been fun playing a shadow priest so far. I have a pretty good casting sequence down now: PW: Shield just before engaging the enemy, pull with Mind Blast, then cast PW: Pain & Mind Flay. By the time Mind Flay is done channeling, I am ready to cast Mind Blast again. When there is less than 700 hit points left, I usually use my wand until the mob is dead to conserve mana. I like to cast PW: Shield before engaging the enemy because it gives me the option of casting it again during the fight. If I wait until after the pull, the "Weakened Soul" debuff, which prevents you from casting PW: Shield on yourself again, usually hasn't expired by the time I need another shield.

Hopefully, I'll have more updates on Annariel as she makes her way to 70!

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