Friday, July 20, 2007

Views from a Casual Player - Armor Sets

As I have mentioned before, I consider myself to be a casual player...well maybe more towards the hard core end of the spectrum, but a casual player nonetheless. I generally only get to play 3 to 4 nights a week including the weekend and usually play with either my friend Jim or by myself. From time to time, I plan on posting my views, thoughts and suggestions about WoW from the casual gamer perspective. My first topic is armor and armor sets.

One of my only complaints about WoW is the way armor looks on my characters. As a solo or duo player most of your level 70 armor comes from quest rewards (at least for me it did). As a result, you get this hodgepodge look. Your chest piece is one color and your pants are another. Your boots look silly compared to the rest of your gear. Your shoulder item is too small compared to the size of your character & your helmet just isn't cool. get the idea. This issue is exacerbated for me when I see other players wearing their cool looking instance sets. My suggestion is to have a level 70 quest chain that rewards a set of class specific armor of blue quality. The quest chain should be very challenging, but not so difficult that a player could not complete them solo or with another friend. There should be set bonuses. The quality of armor stat wise should be better than the greens you get from Shadowmoon Valley. Maybe something on par with the dungeon set 3 armor. It might have to be slightly less quality than dungeon set 3 so that instance players can't complain. The most important thing is that all pieces of the set match and look cool!

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