Saturday, July 21, 2007

Character Profile: Jaos & Annariel - The Great 2 Box Experiment

2 Boxing (playing two separate accounts at the same time) was something I was introduced to way back in my EQ days. My friend Tommy was a master at it! In fact, he got so good, he was able to 3 & 4 box. As someone who solos a lot, 2 boxing was a very tempting idea. It gives you the ability to attempt things in a MMO that you just could not do with one character. If you can convince a friend to 2 box as well, you can have 4 characters going and your own ready made group! 2 boxing in EQ wasn't that hard, there weren't that many skills you had to worry about. However, when I started playing WoW, I just couldn't see how you could effectively 2 box. There seemed to be too many skills for each class to make it work. Not to mention reactive abilities like overpower, that require you to focus you attention on one character. However, after I had gotten both Devarien & Aeyla up to level 60, I started getting the itch to try 2 boxing again.

I decided to try 2 boxing in WoW partly because I love trying out new classes and also because I wanted to see if Jim & I could experience some of the game's dungeons. I thought about what two classes might work together the best for a long time and finally decided that Warrior and Priest would be perfect. Between those two classes you have a tank and healer, probably the two most important roles of any group. Also, it was my belief that having a priest on the second account, who would just be healing, would make it much easier to do. Jim decided to make a paladin, Thutar, to join my characters and we called ourselves the Trio. Overall, it worked out well.

Here are some of my observations on 2 boxing. First, you really have to consider one of your characters as the main and the other as support. In my case, Jaos was my main. I found warrior to require most of my attention. Dealing with rage, aggro and reactive abilites like overpower and revenge requires a lot of focus. Annariel would just sit there and heal when necessary & maybe use her wand if I got the chance. The problem with this is that I really felt like I was missing out on learning all the aspects of priest. Having a paladin as the 3rd member of the group worked out pretty well. Paladin is kinda like Druid in that it is a very versatile and powerful class. It has nice buffs, can heal and can tank as well. In retrospect, maybe a mage might have made a better 3rd member for dps/crowd control, but paladin worked out just fine. We leveled the Trio up to 53 and then the Burning Crusade came out and we decided to shelve them as we explored the new content. During our time with the Trio, we were able to try out a few instances (the Deadmines, Uldaman & the Stockades). You get a pretty great sense of accomplishment when you are able to finish an instance with just you and your friend =)

Now that Faerolin is just about finished with questing in the Outlands, I'm thinking about picking up with Jaos & Annariel again. However, I'm not sure if I'm going to 2 box them again. I think I would like to try a shadow spec with Annariel & I'm not sure whether that would lend itself to 2 boxing. Maybe I'll just level them up to 60 or so separately and see how I feel after that. Anyway, here are some screens of Trio:

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