Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Best Quest Chain Ever!!!!

I just finished the Angrathar the Wrath Gate quest chain with Devarien & am just blown away!  This has to be the greatest quest experience I've ever had in the game!  The lore, the cut scenes and the development of the story is just amazing!  This quest chain starts in Dragonblight & I think it is something everyone should experience!  I hope this quest chain is just the first act of the story & there will be more quest chains like it in the higher level zones =)

Devarien is almost level 76 now & is working in Grizzly Hills.  This zone looks awesome & reminds me of a Red Wood Forest!  So far, I have really enjoyed every aspect of Wrath of the Lich King!  I've been taking my time questing & have been able to hit every instance so far!  The artwork in the game is just outstanding & the music is awesome too.  I can't wait to see what comes next!

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