Monday, May 12, 2008

Devarien gets a Sunfury Bow!!!

It was an amazing night in Kara! I still can't believe that the Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix dropped for me last night!!! I'm so happy =) I really want to thank my guild for letting me come with them on their Kara runs. I'm having such a great time & really enjoy grouping with them =) Thanks again!

On a different note, Jeamyr reached level 65 over the weekend! Half way through his 60's & almost ready to start Nagrand! At the rate he is leveling now, he might reach level 67 by the time he is finished with Nagrand. This is a little ahead of the pace from my last couple of leveling runs. I think it has to do with the fact that I am soloing him most of the time, instead of two boxing him with another character. Anyway, I'm not complaining =) With all the fun I've been having with Devarien & my guild, the whole leveling alts thing is getting kinda old. I'll be happy when Jeamyr reaches 70 and my leveling project is finally over.

1 comment:

Stuntyone said...

Grats on the bow drop.

I have found (as you most likely will) that the more you enjoy playing your main the less time you find for leveling alts :)