Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Views from a Casual Player - Leveling Enhancements

I've been playing Aeldina for a couple of weeks now & I can say that the leveling improvements, which were made with the last major patch are amazing! Aeldina is already level 46 and is just about to start questing in the Hinterlands. In fact, leveling has been so quick, it has really thrown off how I progress through the zones. A perfect example is when Aeldina finished questing in Stranglethorn Vale. Normally, when I finish up with that zone my character is about 38-39, maybe 40. This time Aeldina was level 43! Level 43 and I hadn't even done any of the quests in the Badlands, Swamp of Sorrows or Desolace!!! I had to make some tough choices: Do I go back and quest in those zones, even though everything is far below my level or do I move on to my normal level 43 zones Tanaris & Feralas. I decided to move on to Tanaris & Feralas and everything seems to be working out. By the way, the new quests in Dustwallow Marsh are awesome & a nice change of pace. All in all, I am very pleased with the leveling enhancements and am excited to get Aeldina high enough so she can start grouping with my warrior, Jaos =)

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