Sunday, January 27, 2008

Aeldina turns 50!!!

Things are progressing at an awesome pace!  Another ten levels down and Aeldina hits 50 after completing the quests in Tanaris, Feralas, the Hinterlands and Azshara.  We haven't even hit Searing Gorge, so that will be next on the agenda and then we will be ready for Ungoro Crater.  I've started to throw my warrior, Jaos, into the mix & I find his fury build to be pretty cool.  It still feels a bit awkward to me, but I hope I can get used to it.  Fury seems to do a lot of damage, but it really requires that you to pay attention to your action bar.  Some of the abilities can only be used after a critical hit, some have cool downs and others you just need to manage your rage properly.  So I hope this spec won't be too difficult for 2 boxing with Aeldina.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Views from a Casual Player - Leveling Enhancements

I've been playing Aeldina for a couple of weeks now & I can say that the leveling improvements, which were made with the last major patch are amazing! Aeldina is already level 46 and is just about to start questing in the Hinterlands. In fact, leveling has been so quick, it has really thrown off how I progress through the zones. A perfect example is when Aeldina finished questing in Stranglethorn Vale. Normally, when I finish up with that zone my character is about 38-39, maybe 40. This time Aeldina was level 43! Level 43 and I hadn't even done any of the quests in the Badlands, Swamp of Sorrows or Desolace!!! I had to make some tough choices: Do I go back and quest in those zones, even though everything is far below my level or do I move on to my normal level 43 zones Tanaris & Feralas. I decided to move on to Tanaris & Feralas and everything seems to be working out. By the way, the new quests in Dustwallow Marsh are awesome & a nice change of pace. All in all, I am very pleased with the leveling enhancements and am excited to get Aeldina high enough so she can start grouping with my warrior, Jaos =)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Character Profile: Aeldina turns 40!!!

Aeldina, my Night Elf Druid, hit level 40 tonight! She will be my next leveling project. However, this time, my good friend Jim will be joining me with his Dwarf Hunter! Grouping with Jim will make this leveling project a lot of fun! Once we get these characters into the 50's, I will start two boxing Jaos, my level 53 Human Warrior.

As I probably have mentioned before, I gained a great deal of respect for Druid when I grouped Aeyla with Jim's Druid Saif. Druid is just one of those classes that can do so many different things. They can tank, melee dps, spell dps & heal. Druid is probably one of the best classes to try if you want to experience all aspects of the game. For her first 40 levels, Aeldina has been specced feral and leveled mostly in cat form. However, cat form plays too much like Rogue, so I wanted to try something different. I'm switching her to a balance/resto hybrid. Hopefully this will provide some support dps and good healing for the group.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Character Profile: Caeden & Iltria at Level 70.

Well Caeden & Iltria have finally finished up with the quests in Shadowmoon Valley, so I thought I'd give my final thoughts on Paladin & Mage as I move on to my next leveling project. First off, I have to say that I'm really going to miss playing these guys on a day to day basis. They made a perfect combo. I moved through quests at a rapid pace because I could take on multiple mobs at a time with ease. I also love the way Blood Elves look =) Their armor looks amazing, especially Iltria. Caeden & Iltria will definitely be among my first characters to reach level 80 when the next expansion comes out.

Paladins make amazing tanks! Whether you are fighting a single opponent elite mob or many mobs at the same time, a Paladin with a protection build has an amazing ability to maintain aggro. In my experience, the "Tankadin" is better at maintaining threat than a protection warrior! Now, I must admit that I have only played my warrior to level 53, but my experience with warrior was that it took much more effort to tank effectively than it does with a Paladin. The only issue I had with Paladin tanking is if you loose aggro for some reason, there are very few direct threat abilities like a Warrior's Taunt or Sunder Armor. I can only think of two at this time: Blessing of Protection & Righteous Defense. Both of these abilities have cooldowns that require you to be very careful at the timing of their use. Overall, the Paladin class has awesome depth. You want to be a healer, spec Holy. You want to tank, spec protection. You want to solo/dps, spec retribution. Paladin has it all.

The Mage is dps pure and simple. I loved watching mobs get destroyed with Iltria's amazing AOE combo of Flamestrike, Dragon's Breath & Blast Wave. Against single targets she would use scorch followed by fireball with fireblast as a finisher. In tough elite/named fights, she would use combustion to let loose with the crits! I wish I got to play her more with the Ice Block ability. That used to be an ability only obtainable through the Frost Talent Tree, but now it is available to all Mages. Ice Block would have really helped with Iltria's survivability. I would definitely play a mage again & spec frost. I am always amazed by the videos of Frost Mages who AOE grind with the blizzard spell! I would love to give it a try some day. I have a level 20 Draenei Mage that would be perfect for the project, but it will be a long time before I get to her.

As I have mentioned before, next to Devarien, these guys have probably been my favorite characters and I look forward to playing them again in the expansion =)