Friday, December 21, 2007

67 and Counting!!!

Caeden & Iltria turned level 67 yesterday and started working in Blade's Edge Mountains. They zipped through Nagrand in record time, even completing most of the group quests on their own. So far, I've been very impressed with the Paladin/Mage combo. The two classes compliment each other very well. With Caeden's ability to tank multiple mobs and Iltria's AOE damage spells, they are able to take on many mobs at the same time, which makes quests go much faster. Even elite/named mobs have been easier to handle than with other class combos I've tried. Once Caeden establishes initial aggro, he just focuses on staying alive, which allows Iltria to unleash her powerful fire spells. Unless the mob has an interrupt skill (e.g., kick, bash or counterspell), the only thing preventing Caeden from healing himself is running out of mana. This is because the combination of Concentration Aura and the talent, Spiritual Focus, gives Caeden a 100% chance of not losing casting time. So generally when I have a tough boss fight, I am almost spamming Caeden's heal spell, which creates a great deal of aggro in addition to keeping him alive. This allows Iltria to use her combustion talent. This talent increases her critical strike chance with fire spells until she lands 3 critical hits. Iltria also has improved scorch, which makes a mob more susceptible to fire damage. So during the course of a boss fight, I start off casting scorch until I get it's full effect, then cast combustion and finish off by spamming fireball. Mana never seems to be a problem since she has Mage Armor and Blessing of Wisdom on her at all times.

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