Monday, June 30, 2008

Lynx Boss Goes Down!!!!

My guild killed the Lynx Boss in ZA last night for the first time!!! It was only our fourth time in ZA & we were able to down the first 4 bosses of the instance! We were able to one shot Bear, Eagle & Dragonhawk. I think it took us about 4 attempts to get the Lynx boss down, but I think we know him pretty well now. For our next run, we will have to see if we can beat the timed event & get ourselves some chest drops! Congrats to everyone involved in last night's run! Can't wait to try ZA again =)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Only One More Level to Go!!!!

Jeamyr turned level 69 today! That means I only have one more level to go in order to complete my quest to have a level 70 character for each character class! I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel =) Hopefully, level 70 will come soon. Jeamyr is in Netherstorm now & the quest experience in that zone is amazing! I can't believe I am almost done!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Jeamyr turns Level 68!!!

Only two more levels to go! Jeamyr is almost finished with the Blade's Edge Mountains' quests & then it will be off to Netherstorm. I've been pretty happy with Jeamyr's restoration spec. So far, it seems that Shamans can heal extremely well. The combination of Protection Pally, Fire Mage & Resto Shaman is powerful & I am having fun three boxing my horde trio =) I'm playing with the idea of taking these guys into a mid 60 level instance to see how I do. I'm up to the part in the Hero of the Mag'har quest line where I have to go into the Auchenai Crypts. So, maybe I'll try that, but I'm worried that the boss encounters will be too difficult with trying to control 3 characters at once =(

Monday, June 9, 2008

Only Three More Levels to Go!!!

Jeamyr turned level 67 over the weekend & finally finished up all the quests in Nagrand! My Horde trio has been working out extremely well =) I was able to 3 box all the group quests in Nagrand including Durn & the 1st three rounds of the Ring of Blood! I couldn't kill the voidwalker boss in the Ring of Blood because my Paladin kept loosing aggro & the boss would wipe out my other characters. I think if I gave it another try I might be able to do it. I just need to time my Paladin's Righteous Defense ability better. However, I'm ready to move on to Blade's Edge Mountains so I might just skip over the rest of Ring of Blood. The end is in site...hopefully I'll be able to get Jeamyr to level 70 by the end of this month!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Eagle Boss Goes Down!!!!

My guild's second attempt at ZA and we downed the Eagle Boss!!! This time we brought 3 healers & that really seemed to help. It seems that the key to this fight is being able to time the lightning storms correctly. The Boss will select a player at random who is thrown up in the air. The rest of the raid must get under this individual to avoid massive damage from the storm. The trick seems to be that if the raid doesn't collapse upon the boss before he selects his target, then a ranged dps could be selected & it becomes difficult to reach safety in time. However, if you collapse too soon, you can take massive damage from his static disruption ability. I have to thank our great raid leaders who were able to get the timing down perfectly, which allowed us to finally beat this guy!!!!

Not much happened in way of leveling Jeamyr this past week. I was on vacation so I didn't have the set up to try out my 3 box experiment. I did get to play my horde guys a little yesterday & the trio of my Paladin, Mage & Shaman seemed to work out well. I hope to get some more time in with these guys this week & finally get Jeamyr out of Nagrand!